I must say in all my years with dealing with horses and their people I have never seen people take off that fast after dropping off a horse. Unfortunately, I have seen horses like Foxie. She was purchased out of Iowa sight unseen and shipped to Texas. Her owner had no experience with Saddlebreds just thought they were pretty and wanted one. What happened after, I never got a clear answer. What I do know is this mare is 11 years old and untrained outside of a little Parelli that her owner didn't understand.
This country is filled with horses like Foxie, horses that people bought without any really thought about the horse outside of their pretty and they want to own a pretty horse. It's always the horse that loses when people try to live out their fantasies about what a horse should be to them. It has always amazed me when someone comes to me and says that this horse doesn't do this or he dose that. Very few times people are willing to see that the problem might be them.
I've had Foxie for just over a week now and I can tell you that she is a sweet mare that, even at her age wants to learn, she is very smart and is looking to please people. I'm going to us this blog to track her progress in hope that people with problem horses might be willing to take a second look at their horses and why they have them.
There are far too many horses out there that through no fault or wrong doing of their own have found them selves on the hard end of life. Remember a horse can be no more or less then what you make them.
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